Junior Review

‘At Least I’m Pretty’

I’m sick of seeing my reflection. In the windows, in the mirrors, in the endless zoom calls, I feel like I am seeing myself now more than ever.Heavily inspired by Pipilotti Rist’s “Be Nice to Me” video installation and sounds such as “I am a Victim of this Song.” I decided to create an interactive exploration of the feelings brought about by the vanity that is forced upon me when seeing myself through a screen, the overwhelming feeling of this idea. I recorded the entirety of my hour and a half performance of looking in the mirror, examining my face and staring into my own soul. I found myself seeing the different facets of myself, my past, my present and my future. I wanted the whole thing to feel very raw, I didn’t want to glamorize these feelings.

Multimedia Installation

Video Performance


Using a video installation I wanted the viewer to watch my experience and with mirrors surrounding the video, the viewer is able to experience this feeling for themselves as well. Overtop of the installation, I created a sound made up of poems that are read aloud by me, self help books that I read aloud and songs that I hummed to myself. The sound itself is incomprehensible, intentionally to give the viewer a feeling of brain fog and inability to focus which is one that I often find myself having when using social media or other experiences brought through technologies.  

‘See you Yesterday’

‘See You Yesterday’ was a collaborative installation and documentary project conducted by Ingrid Schelzel Madilyn Duffy and myself. Through this, we focused on clothing and the stories told and remembered through textile objects.

Throughout this project, I learned valuable lessons about collaboration and leadership. Each person in the group had a different focus, so we could accurately divide roles so everyone could feel they had a part in the project. For example, Madilyn focused on the installation portion, Ingrid concentrated on the sound piece, and I focused on the video.

Multimedia Installation

Video Performance


We reached out to many people on campus to gauge interest in the project and to see if people would be interested in sharing their stories. We began with a google form, after which we emailed those who were interested with further details. When we finally set up the interview dates, we made sure to pose the environment to be welcoming. We set a time limit of ten minutes and allowed each person to share whatever story they wished about their object for ten minutes. We wanted to be sure that each individual had a chance to say what they wanted to say about their item.

‘This Piece has nothing to do with my morning routine’

“This piece has nothing to do with my morning routine” is an installation which was placed in MCAD during September of 2022. During this time, this was installed in a hallway. Students were able to press the button on the top of the mannequin. When the button is pressed, a random word depicting an emotion is projected on to the opposite wall. Through this action, the user is almost given an experience of ‘labeling’ the user with these particular emotions. The button placement on the mannequin causes the user to look at themselves in the mirror as they press the button.

Multimedia Installation

HTML, CSS, JavaScript



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